Informations et référence
Nos services exclusifs
Dans de nombreux cas, la connaissance des services est la seule différence entre un mode de vie dépendant et indépendant. Nous fournissons des informations aux consommateurs et à la communauté sur les questions d'accessibilité, les programmes et les services qui sont disponibles à la fois localement et à l'échelle provinciale. Renseignez-vous sur les services financiers, les partenaires communautaires, le guide d'accessibilité de Sudbury et les faits sur les handicaps.
Assistance with Filling out Forms
We offer sessions called “Shuffling Paper with Sandy” to assist members in filling out paperwork and applications for ODSP, OW, Federal assistance, etc. Designated staff canalso help with filling out forms and applications.
Housing Resources
Staff will provide the weekly housing lists curated by the Homelessness Network and assist individuals in filling out Housing List Registration Forms.
We connect individuals to our partnering agency SPARK Employment Centre who can assist with employment opportunities.
Mental Health Services
We provide information and referrals to local support groups and agencies.
Health Supports
Strategic Alliances with Laurentian University and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine provide members with up to date information and workshops promoting the improving of, conserving of and restoring of mental and physical well-being.