Current status: Open Opened on June 4, 2021 and will close on August 31, 2021.
The Government of Canada is consulting Canadians on how to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities. Your feedback will support the development of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan will focus on:
reducing poverty among Canadians with disabilities
getting more persons with disabilities into good quality jobs
helping meet the Accessible Canada Act goal of a barrier-free Canada by 2040
making it easier for persons with disabilities to access federal programs and services
fostering a culture of inclusion
How to participate
Share your ideas online Please complete the online survey.
Participate by mail or video You can also print, complete and mail the survey by August 31, 2021 to the address in the contact information below.
Video responses You can also submit an ASL or LSQ video of your responses to the email address in the contact information below.
Who is the focus of this consultation
We invite all Canadians to participate in this consultation. We want to hear from:
persons with a disability
organizations working with persons with a disability
caregivers or family members of persons with a disability
persons identifying as First Nations, Inuk (Inuit), Métis or Indigenous
members of racialized groups, the LGBTQ2 community or an official language minority community
all Canadians
Key questions for discussion
The survey asks questions about:
financial security
disability-inclusive spaces
a modern approach to disability
Related information
Contact us
Disability Inclusion Action Plan Employment and Social Development Canada 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV Gatineau QC K1A 0J9